April 25th

Finally revised the entire manuscript again. Small, necessary changes.
Two days ago: three rejections.
Three days ago: my new story "The Darkness of North" was featured in Waccamaw Journal.
Today: going shoe shopping.

April 14th, 2011

New story released - "To Be Home Again" featured by Assisi Journal

Yesterday: two rejections

Tomorrow: "A matter that becomes clear ceases to concern us." - Nietzsche

I'm trying to figure out what to do about that.

Also - if you had to pick one person to follow for an entire day and they were oblivious to your existence, who would it be?

Who would it NOT be? Probably myself.

April 11th, 2011

Today: two rejections for two different stories, and one acceptance of a story that has already found a home with Assisi Journal. I had sent a withdrawal notice, but I guess they never received it.

Last week: an acceptance from Waccamaw Journal. The story should be featured by the end of the month!

Last month: a small press in Sacramento asked to see my entire manuscript "The Hollowing Moon". They said it will take them 4-6 weeks to get back to me. So hopefully by the end of this month I'll hear back from them.