December 2013

I've been sharing the exciting news on Facebook as well as via email: my novel THE LEGACY OF LOST THINGS was accepted for publication by Bleeding Heart Publications. It is slotted to be released in paperback July 2014!

Below is a blurb and excerpt from my novel:

In the next few months I will be updating this blog with more information
about readings and other happenings. And once the artwork is in place for the novel, I'll also be re-creating my website. For now, you can still find all my published work at and I am still writing posts on my Facebook page

Things to come:

Although it is still a few months away, First Tuesdays Reading Series is featuring me on March 4th, where I will be reading an excerpt from my novel. 

Per Contra Literary Journal will be publishing my short story "Afterlife" in their Spring 2014 issue.

And lastly, my story "The Art of Trying" will be published by Two-Countries Anthology, which features writers born in the U.S. and raised by immigrant parents.  

September 14

Happy autumn!

Bleeding Hearts Press will be featuring my story "Wind and Glass Behind Us" in the newest issue. Details to follow....

My Sucker Literary blog post about young adult fiction was posted in late July:

There are some wonderful literary events happening in Queens and beyond.

Please see below:

Thursday, September 19th at 7:30pm
Boundless Tales celebrates its 3 year anniversary
Featuring five great writers and two new co-hosts: Audrey Dimola and Devin Doyle.
You can go to our new website: for more details.

Sunday, September 22nd at 5pm
REZ Reading Series at Kew Gardens - Odradeck's Cafe
I will be reading from my novel THE LEGACY OF LOST THINGS, and joining me
will be three writers: Tim Fredrick, Risë Shifra Shamansky, Vickie Byron
You can go the REZ Reading Facebook page for more details.

Tuesday, October 8th at 7pm
WITH SPECIAL GUEST - A reading series at:
The Delancey - 168 Delancey Street
I will be one of several writers featured for the evening
(More details to come)

Friday, October 18th
Queens Council of the Arts sponsors the Queens Literary Town Hall
curated by Audrey Dimola
Scheduled to appear: Boundless Tales Reading Series, First Tuesdays Reading Series & Open Mic, 
REZ Reading Series, Oh Bernice! Reading Series, Newtown Literary Journal, Astoria Bookshop, Enigma Bookstore, and more.

July 11th

Hello all!

Here are my newest updates:

Recently published stories:

"My Girl" in Newtown Literary.

"A Different Street" in Exterminating Angel.

"1998" in Freshly Unhatched

Blog Tours:

My reflections about writing on Newtown Literary's Blog.

As part of their blog tour, Sucker Literary will be posting my thoughts about young adult fiction on July 24th

Other news:

I recently completed The Legacy of Lost Things, the prequel to my novel The Hollowing Moon.

I have two short stories that will be featured in the upcoming months. "The Art of Trying" will be published in an anthology about first-generation immigrants and their experiences in America. "Wind and Glass Behind Us" will be published in Bleeding Heart Publications.

Looking beyond 2013, I will be the featured writer in March at the First Tuesdays reading in Jackson Heights.

My reading series, Boundless Tales, is participating for the second time in the NYC Poetry Festival

February 7th, 2013

Upcoming readings:

Hamazkayin American-Armenian Writers
Friday, February 22nd
Waltz Astoria
23-14 Ditmars Blvd
Astoria, NY 11105

Fireside Reading at LIC Bar
Thursday, April 4th
(details to follow)

Oh, Bernice!
Saturday, June 15th
(details to follow)